Okay first of all Jeremiah is an a**
Who forgets their own wedding? Like whaaaat? I seriously hate him sooo much. I hope this is a wake up call to Presley cuz this amazing girl deserve so much better.
I've already loved Presley ever since I met her in the first book. I always told myself "I can't wait for her story" because I was curious about her life. I loved how strong she is. How she stand up for herself after what her ex fiance did to her. 

I loved Shaw and Presley's relationship in this book. I loved how Shaw said "I craved real" daaaamn right you are! Presley is real! And she is freaking amazing! 
All Presley wated was to be desired, to be pursued but nobody from Clifton Forge has caught her attention except Shaw but he is a movie star and lot of girls lust for him. Presley doesn't have time for games, she wants real and honest relationship.
Shaw is the perfect person for Presley. The connection between these two characters are just sooo freaking out of this world.
As usual the amazing Devney Perry gave us another book that made me cry for hours. This book pack with emotions and everything. Totally epic. A must read. 
